"There is no greater beauty than the real you."

Oct 18, 2010

If no one reads


I blog hop often and rarely comment.
Who doesn't?
I come across some blogs that discuss how no one reads their blog and etc...
Don't get discouraged.
Blogger has a feature that allows you to see your blog stats.
So, if you're curious check it out!

Blog because you enjoy it.
I do:)
I love my lovely followers BUT I'd continue to blog even if I didn't have any.

Just my 2cents!

SB: People are so RUDE. As I've mentioned in a previous post; I am SORE. So walking up and down the stairs to class was like a journey/mission today!** I have classes in 3 different buildings & all on the 3rd floor of each -_- People were so pissed off walking behind me... I mean huffing and puffing. One was bold enough to brush past me. What if I was a disabled person?  SMH! I tired to hold it down without using the elevator today, but I think I might have to scratch that rule out. Ah well.


Connie said...

True. But people are rude. It's a shame really. smh.

Kristin said...

this is definitely good advice.

& NO, my tragus piercing hardly hurt at all. I LOVE IT. it's one of my favorite piercings.

thanks for the hair advice :)
i'm going to get my braids tomorrow morning! i'm hoping for the best!