"There is no greater beauty than the real you."

Oct 27, 2010

Encounter with a Natural HATER

So, I got the job at Target!

Whoop. Kinda knew I would. I guess I will have to turn Macys down. Sorry Macys but after weighing out the pros and cons of each job, Target is on top. Plus, I lovessss me some TARGET esp the clearance

Anyways, I had to get a Drug Test at Lab Corp... The receptionist was a short natural (not sure if she just bc'd or likes her natural hair short) and she had the nastiest attitude. While signing in I asked her what time it was and I was given the coldest response "Oh the clock is over there." Okay, I can read a clock so whatever! Everything that came out of her mouth had a sarcastic twist to it. So I brushed it off thinking 'Maybe today just isn't her day.' WRONG! Other people walked in for testing and blood work and what did I see and hear? Lil miss NASTY ATTITUDE telling time, being polite, asking if people need water before they give their urine sample and etc...

Why in the hell was she so rude to me? Jealous much? I embrace my natural chicas out there. No, I don't throw up my black power fist every time I see one but, I'm not rude. I compliment and then discuss hair products... I keep my natural hair envy to my damn self! Besides, if I have hair envy its really because I admire their hair. I don't seriously envy their hair. This broke my heart today... a natural that doesn't embrace another natural. Maybe I got the game f'd up.

1 comment:

Connie said...

WOW. She is nasty. All that was def uncalled for. She need to sit it down some where.