"There is no greater beauty than the real you."

Sep 16, 2010

I need a new JOB

So I'm currently on the hunt for a new job b/c this internship is taking longer than I thought PLUS I haven't heard back from him ;-/ Ahh wells, anyhoo I'm looking for something different--wait, I have no clue what I'm looking for. I'm not sure if I want to work in retail or daycare or somewhere else. I hope to find something by the 2nd week of October. I don't really need the money that much, but I'm so bored. I get out of classes at 12:00pm to come home and do nothing; well homework, watch tv or both. It's pretty pathetic. It's just really hard finding a job these days! GRR. If I don't find a new job I'll just do community service until something comes along. I just really need something to do.

1 comment:

Connie said...

i feel you on this. I need a job so I can make some money do suppport my lifestyle.
